Electric boilers
The global surplus electricity production from solar and wind energy offers financial benefits when supplementing the heating supply with electric boilers in district heating plants and industrial applications.
Quite often, district heating plants can substitute the use of fossil fuels by leaving it instead to an electric boiler to generate heat for the plant’s accumulation tank when the price of electricity is low. This implies a more environmentally compatible operation and reduced vulnerability to energy price fluctuations.
Industrial companies have similar opportunities of supplementing or replacing hot water, high-temperature hot water and steam boilers with electric boilers. Analyses of the costs and benefits involved have demonstrated that electric boilers are extremely competitive and will improve the company’s CO2 accounts.
Electric boilers feature a robust design and a wide range of regulation. In terms of installation, operation and maintenance alike, they are usually more economical than conventional boilers, as no chimney, nor mechanical wearing parts are needed.
Distinction is made between two types of electric boilers:
- Low-voltage boilers
- High-voltage boilers
Danstoker manufactures the low-voltage boiler type.

Low voltage element electric boiler
Type: Low or high pressure hot water or steam boiler. Low voltage element electric boiler. 400 V or 690 V supply.
Supply: Electricity/power
Capacity: 400 – 3.600 kW
Steam rating (kg/h): 600 – 5.400 kg/h